Back a few months ago we worked with another rescue group to save a Belgian Draft horse who we named Aurora. This sweet horse went through so much. She was dumped at a kill pen and was almost sent to slaughter. After we picked her up and got her to the farm we found out that she was extremely underweight. After her first vet appointment we found out she had cellulitis in her back leg along with Squamous cell carcinoma tumors in both of her eyes. After having surgery to remove the tumors and two weeks of chemotherapy we had Aurora on the road to recovery and enjoying retirement life!
She was receiving acupuncture every two weeks to help her lymphatic system move some of the fluid through her leg to reduce the swelling. She made friends with one of our other rescued horses Amelia. They were best friends and went everywhere together.
We had an emergency colic situation with Aurora. Despite every effort to save Aurora's life, Aurora sadly passed away because of colic. Episode 84 on Fletcher Farms Amarillo YouTube page shows everything that happened with Aurora.
Rescuing senior horses is always challenging because you don't know their history and what they have been through. Our mission is to give them the best retirement life we can give them for as long as they have. Live everyday to the fullest as tomorrow is never promised.
We truly appreciate your support!
Last Update: April 2024